Flower Armchair

Fiberglass flower armchair

Fiberglass armchair for outdoor use. Self-supporting structure that supports a weight of over 150 kg, this chair is designed to envelop the sitter. Comfortable and relaxing, suitable for private villas, restaurants, hotels. The armchair is finished with pillows specially sewn for her, the fabrics can be chosen by the customer depending on where the armchair will be placed.

The maintenance of the armchairs is ideal even when they stay under the ground and ice in winter. Our gelcoat, formulated specifically by SIAS to withstand weather and weather, ensures easy and quick cleaning and maintenance.


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Società Italiana Arte Sacra Srl

Via Appia Nuova n.23, Km 19,400 - 00040 Frattocchie (Roma) - Italia
Via Appia Vecchia Sede, 53 - 00040 Frattocchie (Roma) - Italia

Phone +39 06 9300383 r.a.
VAT 01307221000


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