
Fiberglass Statues of the Archangels

Raffaele and Gabriele made in cm 160.

Raffaele is the angel of sparrow love and health, in Christian iconography its symbols are the fish and pot of medicines.

Gabriel is the first to appear in the Bible's "Book of Daniel". It was also represented as "the left hand of God". He announced the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus. His appearance respects that of the angel: young androgynous winged figure. Often depicted with the lily, brought to the Virgin in the Annunciation.

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Società Italiana Arte Sacra Srl

Via Appia Nuova n.23, Km 19,400 - 00040 Frattocchie (Roma) - Italia
Via Appia Vecchia Sede, 53 - 00040 Frattocchie (Roma) - Italia

Phone +39 06 9300383 r.a.
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